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Wellbeing Support

Wellbeing Support

As students, you will have different unique strengths, struggles, and health and wellbeing needs. We understand that there will be certain events or circumstances that may affect your wellbeing while attending University Wellbeing Adviser aims is here to provide students with the appropriate advice, support, and resources to help manage their wellbeing 

Health and Wellbeing

Health students 1

Reasons Students May Benefit from Wellbeing Support:

  • Pregnancy/Maternity Needs 
  • Physical or Medical Health Conditions  
  • Extenuating Circumstances  
  • Grief and Bereavement 
  • Transition Into and Out of University  
  • Leave of Absence  
  • Sexual Health  
  • Care Leaver and Caring Responsible Students 
  • Estranged Students  

Wellbeing Services Available

1.  Personal and Individualised Support 

2.  Pregnancy/Maternity Guidance 

3.  Care Leaver/Caring Responsibilities  

4.  Programmes, Events, and Groups  

5.  Referrals to Internal and External Resources  

Personal and Individualised Support

Students can request a one on one appointment with our Wellbeing Adviser to discuss their issues or concerns. The Wellbeing Adviser will provide a welcoming, nonjudgmental, and safe environment for students to speak openly about their circumstances, experiences, and wellbeing needs. The Wellbeing Adviser will collaborate with student to identify the best course of action, including any relevant resources and referrals, to best meet the student’s unique needs.

University of Sunderland in London student behind a computer smiling

Pregnancy/Maternity Guidance

Becoming pregnant or having a young child should not a barrier to one’s studies. Our Wellbeing Adviser is available to offer advice and guidance for students who are pregnant as well as those within the maternity/paternity period. If a student is pregnant, post-natal, or family planning, we encourage them to schedule an appointment with our Wellbeing Adviser as soon as possible to discuss any impact on academic timetabling, as well as identifying all relevant support, on-campus and off, for each student’s continued health and safety while attending university. 

University of Sunderland in London student in orange, writing

Care Leavers/Students with Caring Responsibilities

For any student who’s leaving the care system or has caring responsibilities, we wish to positively support them throughout their university journey, ensuring that their student experience is a full and an enjoyable one. Students can meet with our Wellbeing Adviser for support and guidance throughout the whole of your studies. Our Wellbeing Adviser will also work with other members of staff within the university’s WeCare Team who also help provide support based on your individual needs.  

University of Sunderland student at a computer

Programmes, Events, and Groups

University of Sunderland in London students can participate in a wide range of Wellbeing activities, events, and groups throughout their academic journey. Our Wellbeing Adviser alongside other members of the Health and Wellbeing team plan fun, free, and engaging wellness programmes each term. Students are encouraged to check the SharePoint page to find out about upcoming opportunities available on-campus or online.  

International students studying

Referrals to Internal and External Resources

The Health and Wellbeing Team may not always be able to meet the unique needs of each student. In these circumstances, the Wellbeing Adviser will work with the student to identify relevant resources and providers within and external to the University. The Wellbeing Adviser is available to assist students in connecting with medical, mental health, and other wellbeing related resources.  

Additionally, the Health and Wellbeing Team has a number of partners to help enhance the mental health and wellbeing of University of Sunderland in London students. These resources are free for students and linked below: 

Problemshared - wellbeing image


ProblemShared is an online mind health platform. They provide access to the highest quality care for individuals and institutions seeking mental healthcare services or neurodevelopmental assessments and support.

Find out more
Silvercloud - wellbeing image


Silvercloud design programmes to fit into your life. Based on years of clinical research, their methods are proven to help you feel better.

Find out more