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Summer Graduation Day 2024

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Published: 14 June 2024

Summer Graduations 2024

We are back with the Class of 2024 for our second graduation ceremony of the year. Our graduands, their friends and family are abuzz with excitement, and so is everyone at the University. Our graduation days is a vibrant celebration of hard work, persistence, and the beginning of new journeys. It’s a day when dreams are realised, and the future beckons brightly.

Summer Graduations 2024

A Day to Remember

Set at the famous Southwark Cathedral in London, our graduation day is an event filled with pomp and circumstance. Graduates dressed in their caps and gowns, proud families with cameras ready, and an air of celebration make this day truly special. It’s a time to reflect on years of study, friendships made, and challenges overcome.

Key Moments

  • Honorary Award: Jonathan Ganesh, a survivor of the Docklands Bombing on 9 February 1996. He is also the co-founder of the Docklands Victims Association, and he received an Honorary Fellowship from the University of Sunderland in London today. Jonathan said I’m touched. Receiving this award from a local university is really powerful. While I am here accepting it, I am doing so on behalf of the people we’ve helped and all those who have contributed the Association’s achievements.

Honorary Fellowship - Jonathan Ganesh

  • The Ceremony: Each ceremony begins with a procession of academics and graduates. As names are called out, our graduates walk across the stage to receive their well-earned degrees amidst cheers and applause. The smiles, the proud walks, and sometimes even a few joyful tears, mark the culmination of their hard work.
  • Keynote Speakers: Inspirational speeches from our students and  University of Sunderland in London's director Alan Hardie, including University of Sunderland's Sir David Bell and Leanne Cahill offer words of wisdom and encouragement. These speeches aim to inspire our graduates as they embark on their next steps, reminding them of the responsibilities and opportunities that lie ahead.
  • The Celebration: After the formalities, the atmosphere shifts to one of informal joy at the reception. Here, graduates, family, and faculty mingle, take photos, and celebrate achievements. The air is filled with laughter, congratulations, and excitement about future endeavours.

Summer Graduations 2024

Special Highlights

  • International Flavour: Reflecting the diverse student body, our graduation is a multicultural event where students from various countries celebrate together, showcasing the global community fostered at Sunderland.
  • Success Stories: We often highlight graduates who have achieved notable accomplishments, whether in academia, community service, or in starting their own ventures. These stories serve as motivation for both current and future students.
  • Alumni Engagement: Graduation is also a gateway to joining our vibrant alumni community, which supports graduates in their professional paths through networking events, mentorships, and continuous learning opportunities.

Summer Graduations 2024

Moving Forward

Graduation is not an end but a beginning. As our graduates move forward, they carry with them the values instilled during their time at the University of Sunderland in London—integrity, commitment, and a pursuit of excellence. Whether they step into the world of business, technology, health, or the arts, they are well-prepared to make a positive impact.

Summer Graduations 2024

A Call to Future Graduates

To those students who are just beginning their journey or those nearing the completion of their studies, let graduation day serve as a beacon. It is a testament to the fact that with dedication and hard work, you too can achieve great things. We look forward to celebrating your success just as warmly.

Summer Graduations 2024

As the sun sets on another graduation day, we feel a profound sense of pride. Each graduate who leaves our campus is a beacon of hope and a promise for the future. Congratulations to all our graduates—you're ready to take on the world!