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Personal Academic Tutors (PATs)

You will meet us for the first time at your Induction Week. Then we will meet once or twice during the academic year to monitor your academic and professional progress. It is a great opportunity to reflect on your employability development.  But you are always welcome when you feel you would like to talk to us.

It’s also important that you come to your tutorials prepared – this is your chance to get the most out of your meetings so that you can do the best you can while at university! Don’t worry if you are not. 

Find out below how we can support you during your studies at UoSiL.

What is Personal Academic Tutoring?

Personal Academic Tutors (PATs) are there to help you to reach your full academic and professional potential.

PAT services include constructive feedback and advice related to your academic work, discussing your employability and career aspirations, directing you to other specialist sources of support.

PAT aims are to enhance your academic and professional progress through reflection and improvement planning.

When to contact your PAT?

Please contact our PATs at any point you feel your studies are not progressing well, if you are concerned about your academic achievements, exams, coursework or results. It is important to proactively contact your PAT as early as possible so that they can provide appropriate guidance and support either on a one-to-one basis or in groups.

We can also help you feel connected to your department, and we can be the first point of contact for questions about your course or any challenges which may affect your studies.

Reach out to us for:


  • Advice on keeping up with your studies
  • Subject-specific academic support  
  • Assessment-related support
  • A reliable point of contact
  • Scheduled organised tutorials (one to one or in a group) – for whatever you may need
  • Ad hoc tutorials (drop-in sessions) – topics at your choice
  • Help to identify personal strengths and interests in relation to future progression and aspiration (e.g. post-graduate-level employment, further study).
PAT team

Contact Information

Mihaela Dariescu (Square)

Mihaela Dariescu (SFHEA, UKAT RPA)

Subject areas I am supporting:

  • BSc (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • MSc Tourism and Hospitality


Johnny Leung

Johnny Leung (UKAT RPA)

Subject areas I am supporting:

  • Integrated Foundation Year courses
  • BSc (Top-up) International Tourism & Hospitality Management
  • BA (Hons) Events and Entertainment Management
  • FdA Tourism and Events Management


Gabriela Preutesei (Square)

Gabriela Preutesei (AFHEA, UKAT RPA)

Subject areas I am supporting:

  • BSc Health & Social Care (Top-up)
  • FdA Health & Social Care


Chandeera Gunawardena (Square)

Dr Chandeera Gunawardena (AFHEA)

Subject areas I am supporting:

  • MSc Project Management
  • MSc Engineering Management


Divya Vinnakota (Square)

Dr Divya Vinnakota (AFHEA, UKAT RPA)

Subject areas I am supporting:

  • BSc (Hons) Nursing (Top-Up)
  • MSc Nursing
  • MSc Public Health


Quyen Van (Square)

Dr Quyen Hung Van (UKAT RPA)

Subject areas I am supporting:

  • BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance
  • BA (Hons) Accounting and Financial Management
  • MSc Finance and Management


Lydia Castro (Square)

Lydia Matute Castro (UKAT RPA)

Subject areas I am supporting:

  • MSc International Business Management
  • MBA Business Administration


Roberta Faraone (Square)

Roberta Faraone

Subject area I am supporting:

  • BA (Hons) Business and Management


Muhammad Omar (Square)

Muhammad Omar

Subject area I am supporting:

  • BA (Hons) Business Management and Entrepreneurship (Top-Up) 


Lelina Subedi

Lelina Subedi

Subject area I am supporting:

  • FdA Business and Management 
