1. Absolute Exemptions
If the information you ask for is subject to an absolute exemption, the University does not have to supply it to you, nor state whether this information is held.
- Section 21: Information accessible to applicant by other means
- Section 23: Information supplied by, or relating to, bodies dealing with security matters
- Section 32: Court records
- Section 34: Parliamentary privilege
- Section 36: Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs
- Section 40: Personal information
- Section 41: Information provided in confidence
- Section 44: Prohibitions on disclosure
2. Non-absolute Exemptions
These kinds of exemptions are when the University has to consider the public interest in confirming or denying that the information exists and whether we can disclose it.
- Section 22: Information intended for future publication
- Section 24: National security
- Section 26: Defence
- Section 27: International relations
- Section 28: Relations within the United Kingdom
- Section 29: The economy
- Section 30: Investigations and proceedings conducted by public authorities
- Section 31: Law enforcement
- Section 33: Audit functions
- Section 35: Formulation of government policy
- Section 36: Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs
- Section 37: Communications with Her Majesty
- Section 38: Health and safety
- Section 39: Environmental information
- Section 40: Personal information relating to a third party
- Section 42: Legal professional privilege
- Section 43: Commercial interests