Niloy Ahmed Prince Sikder

MSc in Tourism and Hospitality

The University of Sunderland in London was my choice among several universities after careful research and considering all factors. The reputation that it held in the Tourism and Hospitality education field, as well as its central location in London, were the main features that attracted me. Moreover, the practical learning and industry links the university offered were a perfect match for me both academically and career-wise.

To future students who are looking at the University of Sunderland in London as a prospective choice, I would encourage them to take advantage of the limitless opportunities for development that the university provides. Implement the immersive teaching style, be an active participant in classes and workshops, and maximise the use of industry connections to add to your current academic and career development. 

Published 31 May 2024

Currently, I am pursuing an MSc. in Tourism and Hospitality at the University of Sunderland in London. I decided to attend this course due to my newly found love for the tourism sector and the aim to broaden my scope of knowledge both theoretically and practically. I am confident this degree will provide me with the essential skills to be successful in the fast-paced and competitive environment of the Tourism and Hospitality industry.
My student life at the University of Sunderland in London is a perfect illustration of one of the times that are most enjoyable in my life. The university offers a learning atmosphere where there are dedicated teachers who are specialists in their fields.
I have enjoyed the whole period of study, mainly through the practical approach to the learning, I have felt great pleasure in applying theoretical knowledge in real life. In addition, there are challenges that I face, like, the submission of assignments and the allocation of time for studies amidst extracurricular tasks.
After my graduation, I plan to go a step further by utilising my knowledge, skills, and experiences gained during the course to set out on a career expedition in the tourism and hospitality industry. I intend to pursue jobs that will allow me to significantly contribute to the progress and innovation within the area of management and potentially take managerial roles that will bring about strategic levels.

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