Sereyrot Vichet


BSc (Hons) International Tourism & Hospitality Management (Top-Up)

From Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Sereyrot Vichet thought moving far away from home to study might be an isolating experience, but her friendly and approachable teachers and classmates have made her time at university quite the opposite.

Studying far away from home can be lonely but everyone here is so helpful - friends, classmates, teachers. It makes me feel less isolated. If I have a question about anything, I can just pop up to school or email and I get answers. Everyone is so friendly and approachable.

Published 25 November 2022

"The university offers a top-up degree in the course I am looking for, which is perfect.

I love the location. It's near Canary Wharf and I love Canary Wharf. It's a very busy and vibrant area.

Before I came to the UK, I was in Cambodia. I was finishing my advanced diploma and I came here to top-up and get my bachelor's degree. 

What I like about London is that there's so many things to do, there's just endless things to see.

So far, my course is great, right now I'm in my last term and will be finishing up soon, around February. My favourite thing about the course is that we have workshops every week; I've learned a lot from the workshops from interacting with a lot of people from different backgrounds.

I've learned many transferable skills like communication and leadership. Working with different people allowed me to gain different perspectives and also helped me with my networking skills. Networking is very essential, especially in the hospitality industry. 

My plan for after graduation is to pursue a master's degree and then I hope to land a job in London. Maybe work for a few years, gain the experience and then go back to my country."


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