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Plants and how they can help you study

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Published: 28 January 2022

Plants at HX4

During the lockdown, a new craze seems to have started amongst those of us working and studying from home – indoor plants.  

While some baked sourdough and others took up running, online plant sites like Patch Plants were reporting a 500% increase in sales.  

Whichever way you think about it, that’s a lot of greenery. But it’s not just the way they look or the fact they make a home more welcoming that should encourage you to get planting.  

There are, in fact, numerous scientifically proven benefits to having a work or study space surrounded by plants.  

Memory and concentration  

One of the biggest challenges every student goes through is focusing on their studies for long periods at a time.   

As interested as you might be in your subject, no one can go on making notes for ten hours straight.  

Research has shown that indoor plants can increase your productivity by up to 47%. Additionally, you could get a 20% boost in memory meaning you’re getting even more out of your degree.  

There are a few reasons why this might be happening. Of course, the look and smell of plants and flowers can have a calming effect.  

But it’s also possible that the balance they provide between the carbon dioxide you’re breathing out and the oxygen they give off helps our bodies thrive.  

That’s one of the reasons you often hear that getting outside for a ‘breathe of fresh air’ is so good for you.  

So why not fill your study space with a little of the outdoors too?   


Plants also have a major impact on our worry levels, something anyone working towards their degree will understand.  

That’s because of the known benefits of aromatherapy. Smells like lavender and jasmine have been proven to promote feelings of calm and relaxation so try adding a few sprigs to your study space.  

On top of that, the colours of plants can have an impact on your stress levels. Greens, along with the natural colours found in flower petals have a triggering effect on our brains telling us everything is going to be OK.  

That subconscious reminder is something every student could benefit from hearing on occasion.  

What plants should I have in my study space?   

There are plenty of options for indoor greenery to choose from. A lot of the fun is in finding the ones that you like the most.   

But some do have more benefits than others.   

For example, the spider plant has natural air purifying properties which, if you live in London is something worth looking into.  

Others include Dracaena Marginata. While possessing the same air cleaning properties as the spider plant, they’re also very visually striking so likely to liven up your space.  

And the Sansevieria (or mother-in-law's tongue) works in a similar way. The added benefit of this one is that it’s a lot tougher than many indoor plants meaning you won’t need to spend as much time looking after it.  

Have you been exploring the world of indoor plants during your studies at the University of Sunderland in London?  

Share your pics and stories with the community on FacebookTwitter and Instagram using #WeAreSunLon.