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Employability skills: Career management

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Published: 19 November 2020

University of Sunderland in London student working on a laptop

One of the main reasons to study at the University of Sunderland in London is to give yourself the knowledge and skills you’ll need to reach your career goals.

But graduation is just the start of your journey. Make the most of your time with us, learn how to manage your career skills and continue to grow whatever you decide to do.

What is career management?

Career management skills help you to navigate an increasingly competitive work environment.

You’re likely to have several jobs throughout your life so knowing how to plan and position yourself for the top roles is really important.

These skills will help you understand yourself and the world around you to take control of your career and make the most of your opportunities.

Four themes

They can be broken down into four broad categories:

1) Self

This is all about understanding your own personality. It might sound simple but knowing what’s important to you will make it much easier to find roles you’ll enjoy.

Think about the things you do that are the most enjoyable to you. What subjects on your course do really like studying? When you’re putting off doing the big project, what do you procrastinate with?

Sometimes, the things we do when we’re meant to be doing something else show us our true passions.

2) Strengths

What are you really good at? Write down all the things you have proof are skills you have. Are you good with people? Are numbers your passion?

Learning how to use your talents and skills at work is a sure way to excel and reach your goals.

Take the time to build on these skills, do some research and find ways to take your talents to the next step.

3) Upskill

University is the perfect time to find yourself. The best thing you can do for getting a new job is to improve your skills and experience, which is exactly what a university degree does.

But don’t forget to keep pushing for new skills and abilities. Try out one of our free courses like the Business Enterprise Certificate or the Digital Media Marketing course to boost your CV and improve your career prospects.

4) Network

It’s been said before, but networking is one of the most vital things you can do to improve your job prospects. It’s also extremely important when you’re thinking of moving to a different company, or even starting your own.

About 70% of jobs are never advertised, so make sure you’re taking the time to meet people (digitally for now of course), keep their contacts and read through our article on networking.

Whatever you decide to do with your future, whether you have a set plan or want to keep your options open, make sure you’re making the most out of your own talents.

You’ve already made the best start just by choosing to study at the University of Sunderland in London!