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Published: 2 March 2022

Cloud backlit by the sun

We all need a little help sometimes. Whether we’re struggling with sleep, anxiety, our body image or anything else, thinking we have to go through things alone is not easy. 

But as a student at the University of Sunderland in London, you are not alone. We’re here to help, and so is Silvercloud. The Health and Wellbeing team tell us more. 

“Silvercloud is an online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) service that specialises in programmes tailored for you. 

It comes in the form of a website and a mobile app (versions exist for both Apple and Android), giving you on the go access wherever you are. 

Its interactive tools take you through a range of activities designed to keep you motivated throughout the process - the key to real change and growth. 

There are 15 modules to choose from featuring up to eight hours of content including videos, activities, quizzes, audio guides and an online journal.  

Silvercloud will help you decide which courses to follow, but you can also make your own selection. They include:  

Space from depression 

Helping you learn techniques to overcome and manage symptoms of low mood and depression, you’ll get strategies for tackling unhelpful thoughts and behaviours. 

By the end of the programme, you’ll have tools to understand the connection between thoughts, feelings and behaviours and challenge negative thinking. 

Space from body image 

The modern world has put a huge emphasis on how we look, which had led to a major increase in issues around weight and appearance. 

This course will help you build a positive relationship with body image and food, giving you practical guidance on exercise, eating and self-esteem. 

Space from COVID-19 

The pandemic has impacted us all in a variety of ways, not least in our collective mental health.  

You’ll learn coping strategies for sleep and relaxation difficulties, guidance on mindfulness and grief. 

Space from stress 

University students are no strangers to stress, but that doesn’t mean it has become unmanageable.  

This programme will help you identify the strengths you already have and teach you to put them to work to lower your stress levels.  

Space from perinatal wellbeing 

Having a child, while a wonderful experience, can lead to serious emotional challenges especially during, and in the first year after, childbirth.  

This course will give you practical strategies for understanding these changes, focusing on getting more sleep for yourself and your baby and working towards improving your mood. 

Space for resilience 

Resilience, or your ability to cope with adversity, is a key skill that takes practice and dedication to achieve.  

Silvercloud can help you build yours through gaining purpose and a sense of self, learning how to make connections, and focusing on your physical fitness and mind. 

Space for sleep 

We’ve written before about the importance of sleep for your mental health, as well as your ability to achieve your best in class. 

This course will teach you to accurately record your sleep patterns and create a schedule you can stick to. 

Space from OCD 

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition associated with anxiety that causes the sufferer to perform repeated patterns of behaviour in an unwelcome way. 

Throughout the eight modules, this programme will help you understand and manage your compulsions, giving you effective techniques for responding to obsessive thoughts. 

Space from money worries 

One of the biggest causes of stress and anxiety is financial concerns. While it can be difficult to manage money, it’s equally important to think about its impact on your mental health. 

This course will help you see these patterns more clearly, cope with debt and reduce your comfort spending. 

Space from phobia 

Phobia, or irrational fear, is an issue many people face with a variety of different triggers (everything from heights to spiders).  

You’ll learn how to approach these anxiety-creating situations in new, less frightening ways, giving you the freedom to move on.  

Space from health anxiety 

If you find yourself worrying a lot about your health this is the course for you. It will help you pick up skills and techniques checking unhelpful thoughts and settling on a more balanced and realistic approach. 

Space from depression and anxiety 

These are two of the most common areas CBT is used to treat. You’ll learn how to understand your thoughts and behaviours, taking small actions to improve your mood. 

Space from Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) 

GAD is the feeling of unease including fear and worry that people find difficult to control. This course will give you coping strategies you can learn now so you’ll be ready in the future. 

That includes increasing awareness of your mood, reducing the habit of avoiding how you’re feeling and challenging distorted thinking. 

Space for mindfulness 

This is the process of becoming more aware of your thoughts and actions and how they impact your life. 

Learn the basics of being present in the moment and observing your thoughts and feelings to get a more realistic understanding of your situation. 

Space from alcohol 

Over half a million people in the UK suffer from alcohol dependence, with many more than that saying they regularly binge drink. 

This course will help you challenge your behaviours, record your drinking and work towards a healthier relationship with alcohol. 

As a University of Sunderland in London student, you have free access to the whole suite of Silvercloud services. Check them out today.” 

If you’ve been affected by any of the issues in this article please do get in touch with the Health and Wellbeing team.