If you or someone you know needs immediate medical or mental health support, please utilise the below resources.
Spectrum.Life is your go-to for 24/7 on-demand mental wellbeing support and total mind-body wellness!
No appointments, no waiting – just instant, confidential help whenever you need it.
24/7 On-Demand Support
UK: Call 0800 031 8227
International: Call 00353 1 518 0 277
SpectrumLife is here to support you every step of the way. Take control of your mental and physical wellbeing and make the most out of your university experience. Ready to start? Access SpectrumLife now and transform your student life today!
Sign-up at: https://uosil.spectrum.life/
Organisation code: UoSiL
The Wellbeing Team have partnered with Silvercloud, which offers secure, immediate access to online CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) programmes, tailored to your specific needs. It’s flexible since you can access it anywhere, on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. It’s also very easy to use, interactive tools and activities make your experience interesting and motivational. Making Space For Healthy Minds (silvercloudhealth.com)
Everyone at the University of Sunderland, whether studying, working, or visiting, has the right to feel safe. If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed any form of unwanted behaviour, you can use this site to share your experiences and access support and information.
For more information please click here.