Dr Giuseppe Cantafio

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Prior to my role at the University of Sunderland in London, I worked as a Lecturer and researcher on the impacts and scenarios evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport at the University of Greenwich. I held posts at Northeastern University in Boston, San Diego State University and the Universita Mediterranea of Reggio in Calabria, Italy, where I was a researcher for the MAPS-LED Project, exploring multi-disciplinary approaches to plan smart specialisation strategies for local Economic Development.

Teaching and supervision


My research interests include urban planning, innovation, sustainability, liveability, transportation, and Geographic Information Systems. Publication list available upon request.


  • - Cantafio Giuseppe Umberto (2017). Green Economy as a Driver for Urban Regeneration: Insights from Greentown Labs, USA. In 13th International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 Conference Proceedings 14-15 September 2017, pp. 1054-1064, ISBN 9781912337057

  • - Bevilacqua Lina, Cantafio Giuseppe Umberto, Parisi Luana, Pronestì Giuseppe (2019) Investigating Local Economic Trends for Shaping Supportive Tools to Manage Economic Development: San Diego as a Case Study DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-92099-3_23 In book: New Metropolitan Perspectives

  • - MAPS-LED (2017). S3: Cluster Policy & Spatial Planning. Knowledge Dynamics, Spatial Dimension and Entrepreneurial Discovery Process. [online] Available at: http://www.cluds-7fp.unirc.it/assets/d_2_2_def_cluster-policy-and-spatial-planning-report.pdf

  • - MAPS-LED (2016). Research and Innovation Strategies in Cluster Policies. Methodological Approach to Cluster Spatialization. [online] Available at: http://www.cluds-7fp.unirc.it/assets/d1_3_research-and-innovation-wp1.pdf
I have a background in engineering, urban planning, and economics and hold a PhD in urban regeneration and economic development along with a BSc and MSc in environmental engineering. I am a member of the Regional Studies Association (RSA).

Last updated 10 January 2020