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When you arrive

When you arrive

Find out about what you need to do when you get to the UK. Read details about what happens at the airport, whether you need to self-isolate and how to do it, police registration, shopping and what support we can give you.

When you arrive

Getting through immigration control

If you arrive at an airport, you pass through immigration control before collecting your luggage.

A border force officer will look at your passport and check your visa/entry clearance. Make sure you have the right documents in your hand luggage. You should also have documents relating to where you are living while studying in the UK in case a border officer asks for this information. Before

leaving immigration control, check that the border force officer has put a date stamp (if you had a visa or entry clearance) in your passport. After immigration control, you will be able to collect your baggage.

Contact us

The University’s main contact number is: 0207 5317 333

Please ask to be transferred to the department you want to speak with.
